This is how my morning began on January 29th at 6:30 am:
Jarred out of my sleep, I tossed on whatever clothing was in reach, hopped in the car and drove like a reckless maniac from Windsor Ontario to Detroit Michigan - Henry Ford Hospital to be precise.
The trip - normally constituting a travelling time of about twenty minutes - took me over an hour. My stomach twisted and turned until I could not contain my nerve shot bowels any longer, I was forced to make a moments decision of ramming the car up a curb like a lunatic into the parking lot of Peter's Place - a small tavern I have never been to or even noticed before - stalling out the car in the process.
After relieving the tension in my stomach I continued on my way - thanking God the car started up again. After two detours due to traffic accidents and a short delay at the boarder I finally had the hospital within my sights, it was only a block away as I sat idol waiting for a green light. When it finally came I pressed my foot on the accelerator, and in a sort of ironic pose the car stalled yet again. By the time I managed to start it up the green light had turned red and I was forced to sit patiently - ever so tempted to risk my life at the busy intersection.
Finally I pulled into the parking lot and squeezed my car into the first illegal open spot I could find. I ran through the front doors of the hospital, down the hall ways, up the elevator, around the bend and into the ICU.
I burst into the private room where the curtain was drawn closed, the room where my mother, grandmother and aunt all stood, gazing at me in silence. I peered up at the monitor above then down to the body below.
"Nothing" - I said, half asking and have stating.
My mother grabbed me and we wailed like we had never wailed before, like the world was going to end, like the greatest catastraphy of mankind had suddenly come down upon us... we wailed!
I reached down and grabbed my fathers hand... it was still warm.
... I love you dad, and I always will...
- Derek
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