The concept "neuron" itself, in fact, is on this account nothing other than a certian pattern of neurons firing in the brain. Is there not something here to makes us vaguely uneasy? Is not the snake of scientific theory eating its own tail - or rather its own head? Traditionally, we explained the physical world, including the brain, using concepts. Now we are to explain the concepts themselves as being mere physical events in brains. In fact, this whole theory according to which the mind and all conceptual understanding are nothing but electro-chemical discharges of nerve cells is itself, by its own account, nothing but a discharge of nerve cells. This makes it, as far as I can see, no more significant or interesting than a toothache. We should listen to great scientific minds because they are great scientific minds. However, when they begin to tell us that they really have no minds at all, we are entitled to ignore them. [p.13 - italics original, bold mine.]
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